Saturday, December 25, 2010

New Years Resolution.

Yesterday as I sat in my cubicle at work on Christmas Eve, I listened (only listen, never speak) to my co-worker's all talk about how Tyler Perry just couldn't be gay because he was a "Man of God". Then they followed that with if he was gay he was surely going to hell. Now mind you these 3 women, all have multiple children, have never been married and are currently living with some man who may or may not be their baby daddy. Before I could begin to rip my ears from my head in disgust, they changed the subject. Thank God. To you know what? How ugly Beyonce is. I clearly, can't win for loosing.

So right before i was about to add them to my "The Crazies" List i realized something. It hit me right there, harder then Ike hit Tina.

"Jonathan, you've taken 2 psychology classes. TWO! Your not a fucking psychologist. Just because you can't wrap your mind around how ridiculous some people's opinions may appear to be, doesn't mean their crazy."

Well ain't that some shit. I've always tried to over analyze everything and everyone. Why people think the way they do. Why people do the things they do. Why people make such careless decisions when the consequences are clear as Ricky Martin's sexual preference. Well, my New Year's Resolution is to STOP. Stop over thinking everything and trying to understand everyone. Because your not. Your not going to understand everything!

Your not going to understand why people lie about things they have no reason to lie about.

Your not going to understand why people are so sneaky and vile.

Your not going to understand the concept of jealousy.

Your not going to understand how someone could stay awake during a Keri Hilson performance.

Your not going to understand why some people who are average everyday common folk think....they're a celebrity.

Your not going to understand how bad someone's eyes have to be to make a comment like "Precious is beautiful." And then keep a straight face.

Your not going to understand why children cry for no reason in public places, and the parents act like they don't hear it, but look at you crazy when you give them a look like "BITCH! YOUR CHILD'S CRYING IS RUINING MY LIFE!"

Your not going to understand why the guy on the motorcycle yesterday drove behind you flashing his high beams off and on for 10 minutes before you slammed on the breaks and he flew off the road into City Park somewhere.

Your not going to understand why girls are STILL, two years after Single Ladies came out, wearing leotards to the club like its an outfit. (BTW, Beyonce called. She's mortified.)

Your not going to understand why Rihanna won't look in the mirror and realize that red clown hair is absolutely wretched. And it's even more wretched, on these girls who they try to mimic it.

Your not going to understand why Amerii is still trying.

Your not going to understand why people would think it's OK for Mike Vick to have a dog. Um, HELLO!

Your not going to understand how OJ Simpson killed Nicole, and got away with it, then wrote a book about how he got away with it, and STILL has gotten away with it.

I digress.

This list could go on for days. So I'm done. I'm done trying to make sense of everything. All I'm going to do is drive myself mad. And I've already got a few marbles missing, Lord knows i need the few i have left. I'm just going to take Tupac's advice.

A friend (who actually got her psychology degree) told me the other day

"Crazy people think everyone else is crazy."

And it makes a whole lot of sense. Got that Kanye?

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Why Every Woman Should Be a Gold Digger.

It never fails, every Sunday night at 9 pm when Real Housewives of Atlanta comes on Kim becomes a trending topic. Shes a hoe. She's a home wrecker. She's a gold digger. She can't sing.

Guess what. Kim is RICH. She's the only bitch on that show who's car hasn't be repossessed or had to move out of her house to a "new" home. She's driving around in a Range Rover AND a BENTLEY. Do you know why? Because Kim knows what you young kittens are going to go crazy trying to figure out. Kim knows the formula. You stick with the rich, and you reap the benefits. You think Kim CARED that Big Poppa was married? Why would she? How about this question... Do you think Big Poppa's wife cared that he was fucking Kim? Of course not. Why do you think its been going on for 3 seasons. If Kim is driving around in a Bentley, what do you think his WIFE is driving? Go have a seat. Better yet, go take a ride in your corolla and ask yourself what your doing wrong in your life.

Am I a bad friend?

I've always said that when people tend to loose alot of friends, it HAS to be them. Now I'm wondering if that's really the case.

I went to an all boys school where brother hood was taught to be one of the strongest bonds. I never took that serious, because honestly, i've always thought niggas were shady creatures. Maybe thats my 1st problem. But i had friends. We had our group. And for the most part, even in our adult hood, we are all still friends (except for 1 who always proved to be a shady character from the beginning). Of course we don't hang out every weekend and party all night anymore, but at any given time we can pick up the phone and call each other. Therefor I've always considered myself a good friend to them. Especially seeing how I'm always the one that everyone picks up the phone and calls 1st for advice. And i listen. Even when its the same story. For the 12x. And still give the best advice i know how to give.

It wasn't until college happened that i began to question how loyal of a friend i was. I've lost many friends throughout that period. Now granted some of them were due to life style differences and moving, and things of that nature, but some of the friends were friends that i really considered to be my "BEST" friends as some point in my life. Maybe i use that word to loosely. But i did see us being friends forever.

Now 1 friend, the one who i was really close with, simply stopped talking to me once in a serious relationship. I'm sure there is some background to the reason that i still don't know about. The confusing part is that as long as we had been friends, we had a very open line of communication. If we had a problem with each other, or something the other did, we talked about it. There was never an issue that we couldn't talk about. So when this last issue, whatever it may have been arose, and we didn't talk about, they just cut me off, no reason given. It made me question myself. I reached out to them numerous times. I put my pride aside and called repeatedly. No response. No returned phone call, no returned text, nothing. What did i do? Or what did he think i did? Did i wrong this person in a way?

The 2nd friend, for lack of better words, was just a complete psycho-path. And we had been friends the longest. Life slowly turned him into a person nobody in their right mind would ever want to be around. He was a miserable soul, and I've always known it, but i dealt with it anyway because he was my friend. People would always ask "HOW are you friends with someone like that. He needs help!" But he was my friend. You accept them for the good and the bad. Right?

We eventually parted ways. I got sick of his misery, and he got sick of me challenging his ridiculous opinions. The strangest part is, when i see him out, nothing in me even remotely wants to be their friend again. I don't hate them, i just have absolutely no desire to be their friend again. When people ask about them, and i say we don't speak anymore, they don't even ask why, they just laugh because they already know he's a nut. I guess its strange because i always told myself you accept friends for who they are. I guess i couldn't accept him. It goes back to my blog about me being judgmental. So again, does that make me a bad friend?

I was told a long time ago by someone who i deem as very wise that the older you get the less friends you'll have. And it seems like that is coming true. I just never saw that for myself and my friends. I know this may be a little silly to some people but to me friendship is about as serious as a boyfriend/ girlfriend. It's a relationship. Just because you may not be physically intimate doesn't make it any less intimate. And just like you would want to be the best girlfriend, or boyfriend you could be, i want to be the most loyal friend i can be.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The 2010 Version of Racism.

I remember when I was 13 years old my parents would send me to a boarding school in Mississippi for the summer. School had about 400 students. Probably about 50 of them were black.

It was one day that we had taken a trip to the beach that I and this kid named Wolf got into a verbal argument. I remember him getting so mad it looked like he wanted to attack me. Of course, having his god given common sense, he didn’t, and opted for what he felt was the nastiest thing he could tell a black boy. “You Nigger!” He screamed. The 1st thing I said was “That’s the best you can do? That’s so old.” Immediately all the counselors surrounded us. They huddled around me as if to guard me from what had already been said. “I’m so sorry you had to hear that.” They all kept repeating. I remember thinking “What’s the big deal? It’s just a word. Words only have as much power as we give them.” I can’t exactly remember what happened to Wolf, but I never saw him again.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Christian Troy

I was sitting home watching Nip/Tuck the other day (one of my favorite shows in the world) and i can't exactly remember what Christian Troy was doing, but if your a fan of the show you know it was probably not something good. Now as someone who is normally a fan of the Villain in most shows or movies, i was always puzzled as to why i was never a fan of Christian Troy. And it came to me while watching that episode. Christian Troy is a really REALLY bad person. Worst then any Villain.

Like i explained in my previous blog, the appeal of a villain to me is the complexity of their character. They're story. Why they are the way they are. What led them to be such a vile villainous person. But normally, even with the villain, they always have a soft spot for someone. Just 1 person. Christian Troy, had a soft spot for no one. Not his best friend, his fiance, his wives, or even his son. Sometimes i understood his logic. But most times i just sat there and shook my head in disbelief.

Most of the time, the villain is victim to jealousy. That's usually their reason to be so evil, thus trying to take out the good guy. But Christian's issue wasn't just jealousy. It was self hate. And when you hate yourself, you can't really love anyone else. But from our point of view of the show, Christian had absolutely no reason to hate himself as much as he did. He was good looking, filthy rich, and smart. Not as smart as his partner, but i mean he was a plastic surgeon. That's usually how it is with the really bad people though, people who from the human eye, have no reason in the world to hate themselves. Those inner demons are a bitch.

I'm a believer that there really are truly bad evil people in this world. Not the kind that are jealous of envious of a person. So they are just cruel to them. That's typical "Bad Guy" behavior. No, i mean really evil people. People who could care less about anyone but themselves. The kind of people that really don't have a conscious. They can hurt their best friend, brother, sister, wife, husband, or anyone that is close to them, without really thinking about it. Misery does love company. But i think once misery manifests into a lifestyle, that's something completely different. Theirs no saving that. (At least not without the help of a serious therapist)

I always say we as humans, always make the mistake of believing we are the only exception in most of these bad people's lives, because we believe they love us. We can watch them do such awful stuff to other people, but when you love someone you think, "They would never do that to me." But a bad person, will be a bad person. They don't really know how to truly love someone. Or be their friend. They love themselves more then anyone else, so they wouldn't care to learn how to be a better person. They may try to change, because they love you, but eventually, the real them will seep through. Sometimes they may even do good things. Bad people do good things sometimes, just like good people sometimes do bad things. Its about being able to tell which was genuine.

I read somewhere a along time ago that if you really want to see a person's true self, look at how the treat other people. People that they don't know. Pay attention in how they interact day to day with random people. The lady at the drive through at McDonald's or the waiter at a restaurant. That's when they're true character will show. And please don't believe them when they say they'll never do it to you. Because when mad day comes, not only will they do it to you, they'll do it 10 times worst.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

An Honesty Box Message.

(Click message to see it clearer if its to blurry)

Its always so funny to see what random people think of you. I've never thought i was so strikingly good looking that people thought i was stuck up. Nor did i ever think i gave off the illusion that i had lots of money. But people will see what they want to see. Its almost flattering, but its from a male. Go figure.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Yes, I am judging you.

Judgmental: Inclined to make judgments, especially moral or personal ones

I sat on twitter the other day, and watched my friends joke with someone, back and forth, who I just don’t see it for. So, naturally, I began to run down all the reasons in my mind why this person just disgusted me in such a way. Then I realized something....I’m Judgmental. My friends had been telling me this for a while now, so it’s not like I hadn’t heard it before. I just never agreed.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Is that her nose?

So after watching the “Keeping up with the Kardashian” episode when Kim had her whole “botched Botox” debacle, I decided to write this blog.

So clearly, we all know that plastic surgery happens in Hollywood. Your fav, and mine have all had some work done. Whether you want to admit it or not, THEY’VE HAD WORK DONE! It’s just the reality of Hollywood. These people are not born looking like this. They have the best physical trainers, the best make up artist, fake hair for days, and they diet…not for months to shed a few pounds…for years.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

And Let The Church Say....Amen

I’ve spent pretty much my entire life raised in your stereotypical southern Baptist church. For 18 years I went faithfully every Sunday. Sunday school from 8:30 am to 10:00, followed by the Service from 10:45 to 1:00 pm. My mother, was (and still is) the Minster of Music. Director of the Choir. And on the Board of Trustee. I mean she went the whole 9 yards. You get where I’m going.

My Father is a different story. For the 18 years that I was forced to go to church my father went about 8 times. And that was for Christmas. He never said he didn’t believe in God, his was response was always “I believe in Nature”.

My relationship with the church has been a rocky one. As soon as I was 19 I stopped going. For about 4 years. My views changed. I stopped believing in organized religion (For various reasons that would obviously turn into a novel not a blog entry). But I have a great relationship with God. I pray everyday. Maybe I don’t do it traditionally on my knees every night and morning, but it definitely gets done.

About a year ago, I started going back to church. Now I won’t lie, it was somewhat therapeutic in some aspects. I heard some great, fulfilling sermons. But at the end of the day, I still felt the same way, and I’ve stopped going again.

This situation with Bishop Eddie Long really hit home for me. For many reasons.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


So i decided to tackle this issue since it seems to be the new big issue. Is dating while married ever ok? Or separated? Here's my take on it.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Relationship 101

I think we all have in our minds, before we ever get into a relationship, how we would imagine the perfect relationship for ourselves to be. How it would look from the outside. And how it would be on the inside. And of course once in a relationship, its nothing like we imagine.

I'm a firm believer that people should create their own rules to their relationship. There is no guide to tell us what to do. No one has the picture perfect relationship like in the movies. All relationships have problems. Some people fight. Some people don't. Some get cheated on. Some don't. Some just don't see eye to eye at all. But at the end of the day its all about love. And when you love someone, you compromise. Your rules changes. You may have to adjust. Not settle, but compromise. And what works for YOU, works for YOU. What works for you, may not work for your friend. And what works for your friend, may not work for you.

I think people's biggest problem these days are worrying about trying to conform to what they believe a "perfect" relationship should be. When in actuality a good relationship is a happy one. As long as your happy, your good. Now some people may not know the difference between being happy, and being content. But that comes with being in love. Love does that to you. It blinds you in a sense. Deludes the mind from seeing whats obviously right in front of your face. But it also opens your eyes to see things that others can't.

My relationship advice to any and everyone is do you. My longest relationship to date is 5 yrs. And they were a 5 rocky years. But i never not once regret a thing. I've learned so much. And changed so much. And grown. I've put up with things, that i would have never in my life thought i would put up with. I've done things completely out of character.Do i wish some things could have been done differently? Definitely. But again, there is no guide to tell us what to do. For a very long time i compared my relationships to other relationships to either:

A. Make myself feel better about my relationship.


B. Told myself it needed to be over because thats not how my relationship was.

But at the end of the day i realized its my relationship. We make the rules. What works for us, works for us. It doesn't matter what outsiders think, or what advice your friends have to offer. Only you can say what YOU can deal with. Only you can say if you are happy. And if you are happy, and i mean truly happy, then your doing better then most people are and you probably don't even know it. Your doing better then that couple who never fights, but are just together because they "get along" not because their "in love". Or the married couple who have been together f0r 20 + years, but don't even speak.

Not everyday is going to be a good day. But everyday shouldn't be a bad day either. I've learned over these years to never judge someone for the choices they make in their relationship. Because even though I may not understand how they do it...its not my relationship. So what i think, doesn't matter.

The one thing i do know is this. Everyone deserves love. And everyone deserves respect. And once you establish that, you can build the rest any way the 2 of you see fit.

Good luck and love with all your heart. Its always worth it, even if it doesn't work out sometimes.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

All Press is NOT Good Press.

For some reason, people in Hollywood (and other places) really believe that All Press is Good Press. I guess i can understand the "concept" of the statement. If your in the press, for WHATEVER reason,people are invested. They see you. Your shinning. But my only problem with this HOW do they see you.

The problem is your reputation. If your willing to sacrifice your character, then by all means do something that will get you some "Press". People really will do anything for those 15 minutes of fame. I guess i can't understand it because seriously...

who ONLY wants 15 minutes?

When your reputation proceeds you, you end up like Lindsey Lohan. You could be the most talented beautiful actress in the world. But all that negative press, that people are telling you is "Good", kind of kicks you in the ass when your trying to get work. She can't land a movie role to save her soul.

Now, in some instances is does work. Most reality stars can really abide by the whole "All press is Good press" Because they only strive for their 15 minutes. They have no talent to sustain them anyway. It also worked for Britney Spears. Her albums will still sell. And her tours still sell out. She gets awful reviews. She can't land a endorsement to save her live. She still can't get her kids back. But she can at least sell albums. I wonder whats more important to her....

But for the most part, i personally, don't believe it works. It normally looks like a cry for desperation. And usually works in reverse. This whole Lil Kim Vs. Nicki Minaj thing has people "noticing" Kim, since she's been out of remission. She was NEVER irrelevant in my mind. But she seems to think that she was. We see you Kimberly Jones. Now lets see if her new single will do well. Lets see if she can sell some albums AGAIN. Because like i stated in my last blog, i'm a huge fan, but this "desperate act" turned me OFF.

She BETTER come back with something sickening. And HOT! Or her 15 minutes will die down to. And She's ACTUALLY good at what she does!

And last but not least we all have to remember the biggest cry for help in 2009, to get some "Buzz" around her already decaying career. She is a PRIME example of why All Press is NOT Good Press....

Ms. Keri Baby. Dissing Queen get no response...and poor albums sales. Betcha she wishes she had done something different. Now she's an Avon Lady...Selling cosmetics backstage.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Oh Lil Kim...

So i would call it "beef" but that would involve 2 people. This clearly only involves one.

So i'm sure you all know the blogs have erupted last week with Lil Kim's rampage of slurs and disses against Nicki Minaj. Dividing fans of both the female rappers and starting vicious wars on twitter between them. Lil Kim really has done so much its kind of hard to recap. But to make a long story short The Queen Bee feels like Nicki Minaj has not paid homage to her for using her formula to become the growing emcee she is today. If you haven't been updated you can click here

As a huge fan of both, initially i was neither #TeamLilKim or #TeamNickiMinaj because i think beef is stupid in general. Both of them are good! There is enough room for both of you. Nicki Minaj is getting bigger and bigger every feature, and Lil Kim is a legend. She has us fans just waiting for her to drop a hard 16 and come back to us.

Now as a hardcore Kim fan, i will say this. It is obvious to any TRUE Lil Kim fan, that Nicki Minaj is doing her 90's look, just with 2010 spin on it. That's clear. We know that. BUT that was the 90s. And Lil Kim, you did do it 1st. But seriously, what are you mad for? Imitation is the highest form of flattery. So why get mad. Every since Nicki Minaj has stepped into the game people have been calling her an imitation Kim. And thats fine. It didn't stop Nicki, and it really shouldn't make Kim mad. And its not like Lil Kim is still running with that look now a days anyway. You left the Barbie thing and the wigs alone a long time ago. So by all means let her play with your toys. I don't think its a problem.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

MOVIE REVIEW: Sex and The City 2

So because i was so hopelessly devoted to the 1st movie i decided to do a review on the 2nd. We all know the 2nd movie has been getting some really bad reviews from fans and critics alike, so i decided to break it down for everyone. (In my own opinion of course)

Friday, May 28, 2010

Don't ask my advice.

You know what's funny about asking someone for "advice"?

Most of the time..more then half of the know exactly what you need to do in the given situation. You just want to ask someone for "advice" so they will tell you what you want to hear. So that it'll justify the stupid decision that you want to make, but you know deep down that you shouldn't. So now you can blame it on the "advisor". When in actuality both of you know the truth. But nobody likes the truth. Especially when its ugly.

Don't ask my advice. Cause the kinda bitch i am, i'm going to tell you exactly what you should do. The real truth. And your still going to do what you WANT to do. Your either to scared, or not strong enough, or whatever you set back may be. But you know what that means?....

....You've wasted my time. And time is one of the few things, that you can never get back. So next time save your oxygen for somebody who doesn't wanna hurt your feelings. And i can save mine for someone who REALLY needs it, not for someone who wants to feel better about being a complete dumb ass.

Shoe Fetish: Summer Shoes

Make a statement this summer.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


There are many things in life that i know are just not meant for me to understand. The concept of a hater is one of them. I myself, have to much pride to hate on anyone. Hating stems from jealousy. And my mother taught me a long time ago that being jealous of what someone else has, is completely senseless.

I myself, never knew how much people hated me, or hated ON me for that matter, until of a little application for Facebook called "The Honesty Box" was invented. In case you don't know what that is, its a little inbox that people can feel free to express any thought or opinion about you, and do so in being completely anonymous. When i added the app to my Facebook profile..all hell broke loose. I was completely over-whelmed and shocked at the messages that flooded in. People would say things to me about myself that made me even ask "Are you sure you have the right person?"

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Its almost like falling in love. It never happens when your looking for it. It sneaks up on you. Catches you by surprise. Hits you so hard you can't even catch your balance. So you just let yourself fall.

For me, it always happens when I'm just window shopping. Browsing. No intentions of buying anything. No shopping money. Just money to live off of till that next pay check. And then you see it. In the window...staring at you. And only you. Mesmerized. Its calling you. You have to try it on.

Your just going to try it on. Thats it. Then leave. Your not, under any circumstances, i repeat NOT, going to buy this amazing, breath taking shoe... that you may never see again.

"a size 12 please"

Maybe they won't have my size.That way, i'll have an excuse to leave. And run out of the mall before it happens again.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Obsessed with Olivia

So unless your living under a rock, you'd know that "The City" started last week. And the best part about "The City" is the girl. And that girl is Olivia Palermo. Since the day i met her on the season premier of the city in 09 i was taken aback by this girls beauty and fashion sense. She's absolutely flawless from head to toe. And she's a bitch. A rich bitch. What more could i ever ask for?

Monday, April 19, 2010

Forever Young

I just love they way Beyonce looks at Jay-Z when they are together on stage.



Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Bad Guy

In any and every movie the good guy always wins. Thats a given. It's not difficult to understand why the good guy is "good". You never ask people why they do whats right. Why are they so nice. It's easy. It goes without question. People are nice, because its the right thing to do. Right? Well the good guy always bores me. They never require any character development. They are simply good. Theres never any depth to their character. Unless you count the fact that their probably in love with the some other characterless character in the movie.

Now the Villain is the one that often holds my interest. I'm a person who always longs to understand the logic behind people's actions. Why was the Joker so evil in The Dark Knight? Why was the Wicked Witch of the West so wicked in The Wizard of Oz? Why was Scar so jealous of his brother in The Lion King? I'm sure these Villains have a rather interesting story worth telling to explain why they are so villainous. But we never see that part. We just see the finished product. The result. Besides, people aren't born evil or cruel. We all start out innocent. With a clean slate. Everyone is the way they are for a reason.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

My Happy Easter B-Day

Today, on Easter Sunday, April 4, 2010, i made 25 years old. Today, realizing that i'm now 25, was probably the least favorite day of my B-Day weekend.

So Friday my friends threw me an surprisingly well planned SURPRISE party at Club
Ampersand. I was actually surprised. The emotion most people know as "surprise" or "shock" is an emotion that is rarely tapped into on my end. And i mean very VERY seldom. But, they got me. A party that i will always remember. I know it took effort, because i'm one of those people who notice any and everything. But they put in work. We had a great time.

Saturday was a little less festive. My friends took me to the Trina concert. I'm not a huge fan of hers, but it was something different to do. And i always like to see people live to see how they execute. I can't truly STAN for someone until i see them live. Anybody can make a good album with good vocals, but you see them live and your kinda like..

"Wait, What?"....

*cough cough* Mariah Carey *cough cough*.

We arrived at the Venue for 10:00 pm on the dot. My friend,who is a hardcore Trina fan, had to be the 1st in line to get a good spot. Once we arrived at the door, i was told me a little short fat white man, who clearly doesn't have a television at home, that my shoulder porn was to "dangerous", and that i needed to change.
A few spikes never hurt anybody right? This is what i get for being adventurous. Normally, i'd be my regular preppy dressed self. I opted (against my better judgment) to be Lady Gaga-esque for my B-Day weekend. And I get turned away because i might stab somebody with my shoulders. Whatever Mr Security. Little fat fuck.

After retrieving my blazer out of the car, we stood patiently in the venue for hours upon hours waiting for Ms Amazing to arrive on stage. We were tortured with awful local artist, and even more awful fashions.

I was quite hard to to remain sane in such a atmosphere. My feet felt like they were about to give out at any minute. I wanted to scream and curse, punch the fat security guard who wouldn't let me in because he's never seen a goddamn music video in his life, and make a dramatic exit..but i didn't. I maintained my composure.

Finally, at 2:35 am Trina and her ass arrived on stage.

And i must say i was amazed. You want to know what was so amazing? The fact that she could walk up and down the stage, high as a kite, with her eyes closed the entire time, and NOT fall flat on her face. Truly amazing. She did about 10 snippets of her various songs, and about 5 snippets of Beyonce's songs for whatever reason. All with her eyes closed, and with the energy of an 85 year old woman with a broken hip. At precisely 2:57 am, Trina began to say her goodbyes. Her album comes out May 4th. I know this, not because i was listening, but because she said it about 20 times in 5 minutes. After she walked off stage and into the back, i immediately left.

Sunday was Easter. Family Day. Yall know how that goes. We went to Boomtown Casino to spend the Birth Day Wheel. I lost. So my mom wrote me a nice little check. Thanks mom.

All and all though, my B-Day weekend was great. My friends shocked me. Trina shocked me. Everything was great.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Nicki's Minaj

I’m a huge Nicki Minaj fan. HUGE. I don’t think she’s the BEST rapper but I do think she is quite entertaining and original. Her lyrics are quite comical. I love her for the same reason why some people hate her. Her characteristics and her gimmicks. She’s funny as shit, seriously. But that’s what separates Nicki Minaj from the other female artist out. Diamond, Trina, Eve etc. Nothing sets them apart from each other. You can only say “eat my pussy” so many different ways. But Ms. Nicki will says she’ll put this pussy on your sideburns (or on chip tooth if your Fabolous). Work OUT Nicki!

Even though I do think everything she does is acting and she is a “character” she’s in fact entertaining. She’s different. Thus her hype....

Thursday, March 25, 2010


As a huge fan of the book "Wicked" by Gregory Maguire, i was ecstatic when my mother surprised me with tickets to see the Broadway play.

We all know the story of "The Wizard of Oz". Well "Wicked" is the same story, just from the Wicked Witch of the West's point of view. Her childhood, where she is from, and how she became so wicked. It also explains much of her relationship with the Good Witch, Glinda.

Even though the play was slightly different from the book, it still had the same moral. It achieved the same point as the book did.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Celebrity = Role model?

Ok, so here's the thing. I'm sure you have all heard about the comments India Aarie made about Lady Gaga's "Telephone" video, featuring Beyonce. If you haven't click here.

So this is my thing. Everyone has an opinion. That's cool. My only problem with her opinion was the whole "social responsibility" part. Like seriously, Celebrity's are not here to raise your children. They are here to entertain and make movies or music. The key word is ENTERTAIN. Lady Gaga shouldn't be anyones role model. And I personally feel like it's the parents job to explain to them the difference between TV and real life. I never saw something on television and was like "I want to be this person." But that's because my parents raised me to be well aware that TV was for entertainment. Acting is ACTING. And Artist put on persona's to sell albums. It's not REAL. And if its that serious then goddamnit they should only watch the Disney channel. If that is even an excuse because those children grow up to. What is your beloved role model seeking child going to do when Hannah Montana starts fucking Zac Efron. I guess it will be Miley's fault when your daughter gets pregnant at 14.

Lil Wayne said it best.

"If you need a role model, then you shouldn't have been born."

The real issue should be these grown ass women dressing like Nicki Minaj thinking that shit is cute. You look a flop and a fool ma am. And EVERYONE is laughing at you!

P.S. At the end of India's little opinion, She mentioned the little girl who said her favorite artist were Beyonce and Lady Gaga. India, shut up with that stupid lying.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Siditty Mises

So clearly this blogging thing is working out for me. I'll have weekly entry at this bigger blog named Siditty Misses based out of ATL. >>>> Check it out <<<<

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Im nice. Not Friendly.

I thought i would do a blog on the difference between nice and outgoing. Simply because i think people associate them with the same thing. And they aren't totally the same thing. I think being outgoing and friendly does involve being nice, but being nice doesn't necessarily involve being outgoing. I'll explain.

I consider myself a nice person. I'm nice to my friends. My family. And i'm polite and pleasant when introduced to someone i don't know. I have manners. I was raised well. I can sell myself to just about anyone. I know this because i have never in all 24 yrs of my life not blown a job interview away. I always get the job. The only interview i didn't get was at "Footlocker". And thats because i didn't know what Jordans were. I don't wear tennis shoes (or anything with shoe strings for that matter), so it wasn't the job for me anyway. But thats why i do so well in customer service. I'm always the top seller. I'm can be very pleasant to be around. I've even mastered the smile and nod routine when dealing with a rude customer.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Chris Brown has lost it.

You ever met someone who was completely crazy? Just delusional? They saw one thing when the entire world saw something else. Lives completely in their own world and nobody ever tells them to SNAP OUT OF IT! Thats pretty much Chris Brown these days. He's completely lost his damn mind. The boy has lost it. A few days ago, Chris Brown got one whatever radio station or whatever outlet he took to (since he has no twitter anymore) to whine about stations not playing his music or whatever. This is what he said....

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"I aint one to gossip, but.."

Now i need you to listen closely and read intently to what i'm about to say here.

Everyone Gossips

Not one person in this world, does NOT gossip. Maybe what you gossip about is different. But it's still GOSSIP. Your mother gossips, your father gossips, your grandmother gossips,your church members DEFINITELY gossip, your preacher gossips, and so does his wife. Every single person you've ever met in your has something to say about someone else. EVERYONE.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Howard Stern on Gabby

So right after the Oscars, radio's favorite douche bag Howard Stern made these comments about Gabby Sidibe (aka Precious).

"There’s the most enormous, fat black chick I’ve ever seen. She is enormous. You feel bad because everyone’s pretending she’s a part of show business and she’s never going to be in another movie,” Stern said. “She really should have gotten the Best Actress award because she’s never going to have another shot. What movie is she gonna be in?”

“‘Blind Side 2,’” Stern suggested. “She could be the football player, take out the whole front line.”

“It’s so sad you want to say to her, listen honey, you got a little money in the bank, go get yourself thin. You’re gonna die. And now she’s famous and she’ll never get another acting job”

Stern, on the air with his co-host Robin Quivers, also played the speech given by Oprah Winfrey to Sidibe at the Oscars on the program. The hosts said Oprah was lying to her by saying she’s going to have a career in Hollywood.”Come on, be honest wit and the girl,” Stern said. “Look in that room. Who else do you look like? Those are the people that work all the time,” Quivers agreed.

Now i'm not going to lie and say i've never cracked some jokes about Gabby. I have. And i "slightly" agree with some things he has said. I dont think shes going to have some break out career b/c of her role in "Precious" because of her weight.But i also think that there are people in Hollywood who don't meet America's standard of beauty and are widely successful. I mean Whoopie Goldberg is a prime example. And i do believe Gabby IS a good actress. "Precious" was a great movie. I'm sure Gabby will be fine in the end. I bet you in a few months she starts loosing weight though...talking about she wants to get "healthy". No you want to get WORK!