I consider myself a nice person. I'm nice to my friends. My family. And i'm polite and pleasant when introduced to someone i don't know. I have manners. I was raised well. I can sell myself to just about anyone. I know this because i have never in all 24 yrs of my life not blown a job interview away. I always get the job. The only interview i didn't get was at "Footlocker". And thats because i didn't know what Jordans were. I don't wear tennis shoes (or anything with shoe strings for that matter), so it wasn't the job for me anyway. But thats why i do so well in customer service. I'm always the top seller. I'm can be very pleasant to be around. I've even mastered the smile and nod routine when dealing with a rude customer.
But I've never been a outgoing person. Never. I've said before, when i was young, i never played with children. I never wanted to be bothered. It wasn't that i was mean or didn't like them, i just simply liked keeping to myself better. I followed Mother around most of the time. I always rejected the idea of going outside and playing with the neighbors. When introduced to other kids with Mother i was always polite and nice. And on occasion i was even forced to go birthday parties.
Most people at school and church thought i was mean. Of course until they spoke to me and found out i wasn't as mean as i looked. But i never went out of my way to get to know or meet people on my own. I stuck to my small circle of friends and that was always enough for me. That's kind of like it is now. Many people think i'm so "mean" because i'm pretty much anti-social. I don't really like go out of my way to speak to people i don't know. And unless we have been formally introduced, i'm NOT going to speak to you. I mean i don't know you.
Why am i like this?
I really don't know to be completely honest with you. My father is anti-social. His mother was anti-social. So maybe thats why. I've always been a person who would rather sit and observe people and their actions before i dive in head first and be all "Hi, I'm Jonathan, and you are?" Most people take that as me being mean. And of course that, mixed with the fact that i will be completely honest with you about any and everything, have people thinking that i'm the devil. But i'm really not. I just prefer the truth before a lie, and to keep to myself, before socializing with a group of potential friends/ enemies.
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