Tuesday, May 24, 2011

"Inspired" VS "COPIED"

Sunday on the Billboard Music Awards, sometime after a sleeping Britney Spears and a stiff Rihanna took the stage, Beyonce delivered one of the best performances of her career. I won't go into detail. You can view the amazing-ness above. Well not even 24 hours later this video hit the net.

Of course the Beyonce Stans launched a full attack on any blogger who dared post the video. At first i joined suite, but then i after reading an article posted on yahoo (HERE) about the amazing performance i kind of changed my mind. In the article Beyonce's team openly admits that they did in fact draw "inspiration" from the Italian singer, Lorella Cucarrini's performance, and sought out the same graphic designer who did it. Just like she drew "inspiration" from Chicago and added The Cell Block Tango to one of her tours. Just like she drew "inspiration" from a you tube video for her Single Ladies video. Beyonce is so heavily inspired that it makes me actually sit down and question The Queen. What is the difference between "inspiration" and just a down right dirty ol copy cat.

I know all artist draw inspiration from each other. Its no mystery that Lady Gaga is heavily inspired by Madonna. Beyonce's performance style is heavily inspired by Tina Turner. Ciara has mentioned time and time again shes inspired by Janet Jackson. Nicki Minaj....we won't even go there. So whats the difference between being inspired by someone, and trying to BE someone. I remember when Rihanna dyed her hair black and cut it all off, Kelis fans (whoever they may be) had an absolutely conniption fit, like Kelis is the only person allowed to cut her hair. When Rihanna found a new and improved stylist, Kelis claimed to have done that 1st to. The 1st to find a new stylist? I guess girl.

In my opinion, everyone is inspired by something. But you must put your own twist to it, to make it a little bit more original. Beyonce made the Single Ladies video her own. Yes she did see three old white women doing a full out dance routine filmed in 1800 BC. But she added many of her own elements to the video that kind of made it HERS. The intricate choreography. The black and white aspect. The hair style. The matching leotards. I know it doesn't seem like much, but think back to Halloween 2009 when you saw all the fat girls in the leotards...who were they trying to be? You get my point? She made it her own. I can respect that.

We all know anything you can do, Beyonce can do better. That's a given. But i felt like the video above did make me stop and think. Sometimes, i go back and forth. Was it "inspiration" or was it "copying". The graphics used we not left up to her, the designer decided on those. So the similarities as far as that goes, the designer takes full responsibility for. But i honestly feel because Beyonce is placed on a pedestal in the industry, and because seriously ANYTHING YOU CAN DO, SHE CAN DO BETTER, we give her a pass sometimes. And i believe we do that because we believe it will t take away from her greatness as an artist. She's still the greatest performer alive, and definitely one of the most talented women in the industry. But there is a very thin line between inspiration and copying, and Beyonce is dancing on it a little to often (in 6 inch heels and singing at the same time). At the end of the day it just gives the haters a reason to question her greatness.

I firmly believe there is nothing new under the sun. Everything has been done before. So the difference between reinventing something and making it your own vs copying, i guess it's up to the viewer. Many people will argue me down about the Single Ladies video that it was in fact a carbon copy. I don't think so, but you may. So i guess it's left up to the viewer. Its all opinion. Beyonce never seems phased. Neither does Rihanna. Neither does Lady Gaga. Even the great Michael Jackson has been accused of being "overly inspired" by someone. Hell, who knew he didn't invent the moon walk?

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Why Stopped Going To Church.

Its only natural that as you get older you begin to question some things that you were taught growing up. One of the best things about adult hood is that you get to make your own decisions, and choose what and what not you want to believe in. And you don't have to answer to anybody.

I was raised in a very religious home. I went to a baptist church uptown EVERY Sunday, rain or shine, sick or well. My mother was (and still is) the Minister of Music. Up at 8 am for Sunday School, till the service started at 11:30. It ended somewhere between 1 and 2:30 pm. Then I would have to go around and kiss all my "Aunts" like i didn't see them last Sunday, socialize, and smile. You know how it goes, it's an all day event.

I always questioned the little things, that to me, never made any sense or could be applied to things of this time period. Like sex before marriage :What if you never get married? Are you not to have sex? Divorce: I mean seriously, shit happens. What if you marry Ike Turner? But the straw that broke the camels back had to be the views on homosexuality.

I know the Bible is here to show us how to live a good and straight forward life in the eyes of God. Now i consider myself a rather logical person. I'm always down to hear the other person's point of views. I like things that make me question my own thoughts and beliefs. So i went to my Pastor about this issue about 5 or 6 years ago.

"Why are homosexuals going to hell?"

"It's not of God." My pastor responded. "God mad man to lie with a woman. Its a sin"

"So how do they get to heaven?"

"They must repent son. They must leave that blasphemous lifestyle alone and find Jesus. Repent and be baptized."

"But...if they didn't CHOOSE this lifestyle, how are they to leave it alone?"

"God doesn't make mistakes. Prayer and guidance can deliver anyone from a homosexual demon."

"But why is it a sin? Its not hurting anyone?"

"Its not of God. Its not how God intended man to live."

The conversation didn't really phase me. Every answer was pretty much what i figured it would be. Prayer. God. The usual. The bible speaks against Lying. Cheating. Killing. Stealing. And homosexuality. I can understand why lying, cheating, killing, and stealing are considered a SIN. To do any of them, would involve hurting someone else. They all require malicious and devious acts. Being gay doesn't require any. So why being gay a sin? Because the bible says so. And on top it being a SIN, it's not a choice. You choose to lie. You choose to cheat. You choose to kill. You choose to steal. You don't choose what your attracted to. You don't choose who you love. I'm sure if it was a choice, MANY would take the easier route, and choose to be straight. Life is hard enough. I don't know anybody who would choose to be gay. Who would choose to be judged and ridiculed, looked at funny, and constantly reminded that they are going to hell.

So after a few debates with my pastor, WE came to the conclusion that the only way a gay person is making it to God's Big House in the Sky is by simply "choosing" not to live the "gay" lifestyle. To live your life, alone, unhappy, and praying that one day, you will miraculously find the opposite sex attractive. There is NO other way. God does NOT allow gay people in heaven. PERIOD. While the girl who had her baby out of wed lock, says sorry Jesus, gets some holy water sprinkled on her head, and she's all in. Makes perfect sense.

I'm 26 years old. I know i have a lot more living to do. But i know this for sure: Your given one life. Just one. And you have to live it the best way you know how. Life is to short to being trying to fix something that was never broken. And I'm done trying to make sense of things that never made sense in the beginning. The Bible is a book of morals, but at the end of the day, morals are the same as opinions. You can't make me agree with your morals, just like i can't make you agree with mine. As long as your not harming anyone, your fine by me. Unfortunately, the Bible doesn't agree. And that's perfectly fine.

I had a friend who was atheist. He'll argue you down with scientific facts that God isn't real. I'm not here to try to convince you he's right. Nor do i agree with him. I believe in God. And i have my own personal relationship with him. But i also believe that the concept of "religion" is man made, and was made in order to instill morals in us human beings. I can't say where the world would be if the Bible never existed, but i can guess it would be a pretty hectic place. Just like it is now. Humans are not animals. We don't kill to survive or eat. So i can't imagine how much different it would be.

I have a gay friend who goes to church faithfully. Every Sunday (and Wednesday for Bible Study). He's even attempted to "be straight" in order to please Jesus. Granted, i don't judge people for their personal decisions, i can't help but to feel sorry for them. Children are killing themselves because the Bible says they are going to hell for something they have no control over. Because the world won't accept them for reasons that can't be explained aside from "Because its not of God." These people, with the same kind of human blood coursing through there veins, aren't allowed to marry who they love, like some kind of mutant, ALL because America believes in this book of morals that speaks against their life style. With no reason to support it. Meanwhile we have reality shows where people get married just to be on television and a check. Drunk people are getting married for fun in Vegas at the little chapel down the street.

Like I said before, I consider myself a very logical person. I do try my very hardest to see the other side of every argument. But you Christians really have me stumped on this. Especially with the ones with the broken hymen or 2 year old child...but no wedding ring. So you can keep your Bible. And your morals. And your Preacher in his big body Benz, telling people how to live their life. Until the Bible receives an update, you can have your religion to. I'll fend for myself. That's why i stopped going to church.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Poor Pussy Management.

So here we have a uniquely beautiful girl named Amber Rose. She was the girlfriend of foul mouth super star asshole, Kanye West. We thought this girl was going to be the next Kim Kardashian. I mean she was all over the blogs, making all kinds of appearances, taking Fashion Week by storm, all because she was Kanye's beautiful bald headed barbie doll. She definitely could have capitalized off of her new found fame. Just like Kim K did with her sex tape. But instead what did Ms. Rose decide to do? Well 1st, Kanye dumped her. But she's famous enough now to do something with her name. But does she? Of course not. She runs around for about 6 months with a bunch of different male celebrities, makes out with some video girl, gains 20 pounds, and finally decides to settle down with some boy with a blond striek of hair in his head. Now she randomly gives these "I don't know why people think I'm a hoe." speeches whenever some random radio host decides to lend a helping hand and act like she's still relevant. She hasn't a clue why people would assume shes a hoe, when she's photographed with a different man every other week. Making out with video girls in front of the paparazzi, and walking around Miami top less. No clue at all. This, is a prime example of poor pussy management.

For some reason or the other beautiful girls don't understand how "blessed" they are to be beautiful. I say "blessed" because being beautiful is a gift from God. Everyone is not beautiful. You can listen to that "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder" bull, but the fact of the matter is there is a general perception of what "beautiful" is today. And not everyone meets it. It sucks, and i'm sorry that i have to be the bearer of bad news, but it's very true. You won't find a man on this earth who doesn't find Halle Berry attractive. And if you do, that same man will either find Fantasia Barrino attractive, or.... Will Smith. it just is, what it is. Beauty is a blessing. Capitalize off of your gift.

Beautiful girls have the advantage that other girls don't. Men will put up with a little more bull shit from the beautiful girl. Men treat the beautiful girl better. Men are LESS likely to leave the beautiful girl (not cheat, but actually LEAVE). Now this only applies if you MANAGE YOUR PUSSY PROPERLY.

Here's how NOT to manage your pussy:

1. Don't fuck every boy you meet. We're all adults. We have sex. I understand that, as most men will. But when way to many guys can say they've "hit that".....you loose value. QUICKLY. No man wants a girl who his friend, friend's cousin, friend's cousin's bestfriend, and step daddy, done "hit". It is a double standard, but again, this comes with being a woman. Not everyone deserves to get your "goodies". Have some respect girl. I know temptation can be rough, but think about the lasting effects. You look good! Know your worth!

2. Sleeping with lames only lowers your stock. By lames i mean men who aren't worth shit. No car. No Job. Lives with his momma. But at every party every weekend. How hard do you think Kanye West is laughing at Amber Rose when he sees pictures of her all out of shape in some sketchers walking around with that skinny boy with the blond thing in his head? She looks like she has a buffet in her back yard. And he looks like he's never been to one. If you with a man who isn't worth shit, that speaks volumes about your self-esteem.

3. Stop telling people your business. Your business, is YOUR BUSINESS. What you do, only you need to know. Keep your shit tight. if you don't know where i'm going with this, you've probably already talked to much have been managing your pussy poorly.

Here's How to Manage your Pussy Properly:

1. Don't EVER, get caught slipping. You have a reputation to uphold. On those days that you just don't feel like making your self look decent, don't feel like combing your hair, or getting dressed....stay home. The moment someone sees you looking a MESS, the word will spread. Your stocks will plummet.

2. Be independent. Ladies have no idea how attractive that is. The only men who don't think it's attractive are the ones who are self conscious and want you to depend on him to make him feel like a man. Besides, when your independent, it will make the man act like less of an ass. See, when you "need" him, he can do whatever he wants. But if he knows you can drop him like a bad habit and keep it moving on to the next, he has to stay on his shit. It almost is like a motivational thing. If your on your shit, only a man who's on his shit will be able to keep up.

3. Be mysterious. Men are curious by nature. That's half of the reason why we cheat so much. It rouses interest when we see someone we've never seen before. And when we ask "What's her background" and the usual response is "I don't know." well that just makes us even hungrier. You know men are thirsty. Like dogs.

The fact of the matter is most women don't know how much power they could have if they just managed their pussy properly. Amber Rose at the height of her fame, easily could have gotten a reality show. Wrote a book about her troubled life like Toya Carter did. Gotten some endorsements. SOMETHING! She was already a plus size model! But she didn't. She fell off. Gained weight, now she's sleeping with that boy WITH THAT BLOND STRIEKE...smh. Poor. Pussy. Management.

Some examples of Proper Pussy Management:

Kobe Bryant's Wife Vanessa Bryant. A prime example of where being beautiful can get you.

Kim Kardashian. Beautiful girl, who's claim to fame was a sex tape. Now she makes 10 mill a year and took her whole family with her to the top. That's some proper pussy management!

Beyonce Knowles. Obvious reasons, she locked down one of greatest rapper alive. Can you imagine how many hoes Jay-Z's ugly ass had? But he decided to marry her. He's Jay-Z.

Lala Vasquez. Everyone gave her shit for being engaged for 6 years and nobody thought she would be married. Now look at her. Career at an all time high and married to a man who just signed a 60 million dollar contract.

Some Examples of Poor Pussy Management:

Amber Rose. (see above) She'll be back stripping by next year.

Christina Milian. She married The Dream, who clearly doesn't like women, and signed a prenuptial agreement. Girl, nap time.

Cassie. Everyone knows shes sleeping with Diddy. Yet, he still won't give her a 2nd album. Her relevancy is next to none (unless you blog).

Now i'm not saying be a gold digger (even though that is always the best choice: read all women should be gold diggers), I'm simply saying know your worth. If you have a good job, a car, and your own home, nothing is wrong with expecting the same out of a potential mate. Why would you WANT to date someone who has less? You moving backwards in life. Poor Pussy Management.