Friday, March 12, 2010

Chris Brown has lost it.

You ever met someone who was completely crazy? Just delusional? They saw one thing when the entire world saw something else. Lives completely in their own world and nobody ever tells them to SNAP OUT OF IT! Thats pretty much Chris Brown these days. He's completely lost his damn mind. The boy has lost it. A few days ago, Chris Brown got one whatever radio station or whatever outlet he took to (since he has no twitter anymore) to whine about stations not playing his music or whatever. This is what he said....

“I ain’t never really did this but right now I need all of my fans help. A lot of radio stations aren’t playing my records. They are not being that supportive and I wouldn’t expect them to. It’s on the fans and what you guys do in your power to bring me back. That’s all I need is you guys and nothing else will do that except for the fans. I don’t know what else to say. It’s nothing else that I can do. I’m doing everything that I need to do. I’m doing me as a person and I’m a better guy. It’s on ya’ll. My singing and my music I do it for you guys and everything else but it won’t be possible if I’m not relevant on the radio and it wouldn’t be possible for me to be an artist if I don’t have the support. I can’t be an underground mixtape artist. That’s where we are. I just want all my fans to help me. I love ya’ll. Peace”.

Chris Brown is delusional. I'm dead serious, this kid needs a serious and i mean SERIOUS wake up call. This isn't the 1st time he has gone crazy talking about the radios aren't playing his songs, and different places aren't selling his CD's. But any person in their right mind knows that we are in a recession. If wal-mart is doing so well in this awful economy that they can refuse customers to sell Chris's (mediocre) album, then i think we are all in the wrong business. I mean after he blurted it out on twitter calling out a specific wal-mart, the manager of that wal-mart then responded saying his album was sold out. You fucking fool. Of course, a day later his twitter account was closed.

Further more, for some reason or the other, in Chris's little crazy mind, HE WAS THE VICTIM after HE viciously beat his girlfriend until she was unconscious. Making comments like "Oprah didn't reach out to me" or "Alot of other male actors didn't reach out to me either" and then getting mad saying "Fuck the industry, everyone turned on me". can i see this lightly...


I guess he let his "fans" gas him up on twitter to believe that he could make a come back in such a short time. With out any live performances. And without saying pretty much next to nothing about his domestic violence "situation" in a number of different interviews i might add. Oh yea, and a bogus apology that was clearly read from que cards. And then Rihanna comes and in 1 hr she says exactly what he couldn't say in 5 different interviews. Why? Because her no singing, stiff, stage presence LACKING ass knows the formula to keep herself relevant and successful! CHRIS is the talented one! Not her! But he's flopping (he's only sold 290k to DATE), and here she is prepping for a world tour.

I don't know who this kid's team is, but he needs to fire them all and start over. He needs to also get a publicist to monitor anything that comes out of his mouth because he clearly doesn't know what to say. When asked about the Tiger Woods situation hes replies "I totally support Tiger, and i believe the public makes things worst, and your personal life should be personal." trying to reference and compare it to his situation. Chris you silly goose. That comment is NOT going to help YOUR career! Your in NO position to try to support anyone doing anything short of volunteering at a homeless shelter, let alone a habitual cheating husband with a sex problem. Of course most would agree with him, but because its CHRIS BROWN it's going to be viewed as a problem. if Will Smith said it, it would be different.

I don't know what else to say about this poor little lamb but i wish him the best. I hope he finds some common sense and learns what and what NOT to say. For that mouth of his is going to be the death of his nearly dead career. Stop crying and whining and DON'T let your little random fan base of 13 yr old girls who don't have any money, convince you that something IS what its NOT. Heidi Montag seemed to think that because she had 2.5 million followers, that should would sell no less then 2.5 million albums. She only sold 600. Get my point. Wake up Chris! Contrary to popular believe i DO want you to be successful. But I also want you to learn when to just shut the fuck up.

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