Tuesday, November 24, 2009

"Who the fuck raised you?"

All of my life one of the values my mother instilled in me was to "Treat others the way you want to be treated."It sounds so easy. Your nice to people, people are nice to you. You tell the truth and be honest, they do the same to you. Of course i woke up and eventually realized that this wasn't true all the time.

The problem is, i still abide by this rule in my everyday life. It typically doesn't work in my favor seeing how i work in customer service at a cell phone company. See, in customer service it's different. It's more like "Treat the customer service representative how you want, and they will smile and take it." I wish i could. But that's not what i was taught. So i blame her. I truly feel like you treat people the way you want to be treated. Therefor if someone is a complete asshole to you, it's only fair and just to be a complete asshole in return. If someone is friendly and polite, then by all means, be just as friendly and polite.

Working at AT&T i think i probably deal with maybe 100 different customers a week. I've been there for 2 1/2 years now. And i am still amazed and how people can treat other people and think that it's "OK". How people can talk to other people with such disdain and really believe in their heart that your supposed to smile and be like "that's fine". I come across so many customers that i just want to ask "Who the fuck raised you?"

Now granted, most of the people that walk into an AT&T store, have a problem with their cellphone or their cellphone bill. I can understand your frustration. Cell phones these days are people's life line. What are we to do without them? But anybody with any kind of common sense or manners should know that if your coming into this store b/c you need MY help, or AT&T's help, you should at least be a little friendly or courteous right? Wrong. I guess b/c they feel like they are paying US they can treat anybody any kind of way. Just ignorant. I get paid if you have service or not ma'am.

I've meet some people so nice it made me want to be a better person. Made me think "Wow, their are some really nice and genuine people in this world." (Believe me, when you've gone through someone's cellphone, you've seen their soul) Then I've met some people so rude and nasty that it made me want to literally jump over the counter and inflict severe physical pain on them. My actions are reaction to your actions.

My co-workers call me the "Advocate" for teaching people how to treat people. They say it's what i was placed on this earth for. I have so many customers who say that I'm so "pleasant" to do business with. I've been offered jobs, money, and other things that i won't say, all for being friendly and smiling. And then their are some customers who will say "I have NEVER came across someone with such a NASTY demeanor". Yes you have lady. You know who? You mother. Because she's who the fuck raised you. And I'm treating you like you treated me. And that's just what i say (of course without the fuck). Surprised i still have a job? I am to. Don't blame me. Blame Wilhemina. She's who the fuck raised me.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

MUSIC: Lady Gaga- Bad Romance

Ok, so aside from that fact that I'm a huge Lady Gaga fan, and i love this song, this video is EPIC-AMAZING- PHENOMENAL!! It's PURE artistry! One of the reasons i love Lady Gaga so much is because i really believe she puts her whole heart into making these videos. She's so original, and it's so rare that you find that these days. I think its amazing that her music is "Pop", but she still delivers it such a way that it makes you feel like you've heard nothing like it before. And i also commend her for being so adventurous and different. Lots of people aren't going to like or understand her music. And i'm sure she knows that, yet she does whatever the fuck she wants to do, and does it VERY WELL!

And then we cannot forget the fashion! She almost gave me a heart attack! BITCH if those Alexander McQueen's in EVERY SCENE don't shit on anything you've seen before i don't know what does!

Chris Vs. Rihanna

I hate that this has to be my very 1st post on my blog, but it's something that has been bothering me for a very long time now. Partially b/c it's an on-going argument between me and all of my close friends on twitter.

And the argument is: Was Chris justified in beating Rihanna IF she hit him 1st? I personally, am amazed at that fact that NONE of my friends believe that CB isn't dead wrong. But of course, their argument is "A woman cannot put her hands on a man and expect not to get hit back" or "You never know how people react when being hit, there for you don't hit a man." and another was "She has a history of violence, therefor she had it coming". Whats even more shocking is that these come from women. Granted i agree with all of these statements, i simply cannot agree that if a woman hits a man she deserves what happened to Rihanna. I will NEVER agree! Nothing that went on in that car should have resulted in brutal beating that she had to endure. NOTHING. But they seem to believe "She provoked him" or "She hit him 1st" which waters down the fact that he beat the living shit out of her. And it wasn't only them. Other women who i have spoken to to seem to be in agreement with them.

Now let me be clear, i truthfully believe that if Rihanna did hit CB she was wrong. But that STILL does not result in beating her like he did. I could even understand if he just hit her once. That's still wrong, but it's understandable. But that is NOT what he did!"She hit him, so he hit her back." is NOT the case here! He did not just hit her once, like you women so called claimed he should have done if she hit him 1st. HE hit her MULTIPLE TIMES, put her in a headlock to the point she had trouble breathing AND BIT her!! The girl was screaming so loud that the neighbors heard her and called the police.

So of course after having this argument with a few black women, i had to do some research. In my mind, i just couldn't understand their logic or justification. I understood the point that they were trying to make, but it just amazed me that they believed it.

These are the one of the statistics i found:

African-American women experience significantly more domestic violence than White women in the age group of 20-24. Generally, Black women experience similar levels of intimate partner victimization in all other age categories as compared to White women, but experience slightly more domestic violence. (Estimates are provided from the National Crime Victimization Survey, which defines an intimate partner as a current or former spouse, girlfriend, or boyfriend. Violent acts include murder, rape, sexual assault, robbery, aggravated assault, and simple assault.)
This came from the American Bar Association: Commission of Domestic Violence.

This saddens me. It saddens me on so many levels b/c these statics explain exactly why all my black female friends feel like CB was justified in what he did to Rihanna IF she hit him 1st. It saddens me that our black women believe that our black MEN have such bad tempers and have so little self-control when in a confrontation with a woman that it must result in him hitting her multiple times. Hell, hitting her ONCE! All b/c of their sharp tongues or even b/c of them striking us. They are saying to me that if you hit a me, i EXPECT to get hit back!And that I am justified in hitting you. A woman hitting a man WRONG. But a man hitting a woman is MORE WRONG! For some reason our black women must believe that their strength is equal to ours. Well its not. And THAT'S why it's MORE wrong. Men have more testosterone. Men have more muscle mass. Men are BUILT for fighting. Man was CREATED to protect women for a reason. You are NOT equal! But i guess a BLACK woman, would not understand that. I guess b/c a woman knows how vicious and savage and nasty they can be to a man, a man has no choice but to hit them. There is no other way to "put them in their place" other then beating them down in order to "Teach" them a lesson.

Now with all that being said, do i think CB is a monster for what he did? No i don't. I think he is young, and he made a very bad mistake that he regrets. I think he simply clicked our and went bat shit crazy. As someone who has clicked out and gone bat shit crazy a FEW times, i can definitely understand what happened. I think he's getting the appropriate help that one would need in his situation. The sentence that he got was suitable (IMO) and since he doesn't have a "history of violence" he got off rather lenient. I hope his career the best and i hope he moves past this situation. But that's not to say what he did wasn't horrible, and i won't water it down b/c he appears sorry and remorseful of the situation.

I pray that our women do better. I pray that they realize their worth to a man. I pray that our women realize their worth to each other. But I've also realized that as a man, i will never understand the dynamics of how women treat each other.