Sunday, June 13, 2010

Oh Lil Kim...

So i would call it "beef" but that would involve 2 people. This clearly only involves one.

So i'm sure you all know the blogs have erupted last week with Lil Kim's rampage of slurs and disses against Nicki Minaj. Dividing fans of both the female rappers and starting vicious wars on twitter between them. Lil Kim really has done so much its kind of hard to recap. But to make a long story short The Queen Bee feels like Nicki Minaj has not paid homage to her for using her formula to become the growing emcee she is today. If you haven't been updated you can click here

As a huge fan of both, initially i was neither #TeamLilKim or #TeamNickiMinaj because i think beef is stupid in general. Both of them are good! There is enough room for both of you. Nicki Minaj is getting bigger and bigger every feature, and Lil Kim is a legend. She has us fans just waiting for her to drop a hard 16 and come back to us.

Now as a hardcore Kim fan, i will say this. It is obvious to any TRUE Lil Kim fan, that Nicki Minaj is doing her 90's look, just with 2010 spin on it. That's clear. We know that. BUT that was the 90s. And Lil Kim, you did do it 1st. But seriously, what are you mad for? Imitation is the highest form of flattery. So why get mad. Every since Nicki Minaj has stepped into the game people have been calling her an imitation Kim. And thats fine. It didn't stop Nicki, and it really shouldn't make Kim mad. And its not like Lil Kim is still running with that look now a days anyway. You left the Barbie thing and the wigs alone a long time ago. So by all means let her play with your toys. I don't think its a problem.

But as of late, i'll say I've really began to feel embarrassed as a Lil Kim fan. When Kim pulled that nobody bum bitch on stage (whos name i refuse to mention because i won't give her anymore shine then what she already has) to assist her in dissing Nicki i was through. Like seriously,what the fuck are you doing? How "Iconic" of you Kim. Nicki Minaj is a NEWBIE. For an artist of your caliber to throw shots at a NEWBIE is just down right humiliating. You let your WORK speak for yourself. And the fact that Nicki Minaj will not even respond to the fuckery, makes it look just like that: FUCKERY that is beneath her. So how does that make YOU look Kim?

What also pissed me off, is that Nicki Minaj has in fact paid homage and respect to Kim MANY of MANY times. Which makes Lil Kim look even more desperate. Desperate for attention and press. And yes that will get you attention but NEGATIVE attention is NOT good attention. All press is NOT good press (thats my next blog by the way).

Now the last thing Lil Kim did was a full interview pretty much explaining why she's so mad. You can listen here. She basically explains that she's been feeling like Nicki Minaj has been throwing subtle disses at her since day one. "Pebbles"she calls them. Not rocks, but small pebbles. That she ignored. Until now. And when she did a song with Bird man, she felt like it got scrapped because of their loyalty to Nicki Minaj. After listening to the interview...i've pretty much decided that Lil Kim has lost her damn mind. Nothing she mentioned seemed disrespectful at all. But in her mind it was. So. Whatever. She feels justified.

I just feel like this. Lil Kim, your are the greatest. I STILL listen to La Bella Mafia. And people who aren't fans of Lil Kim, but are fans of Nicki Minaj, are not going to understand the similarities. But at the end of the day Let you work speak for itself. All Lil Kim had to do, was release a record. A hot one. And that would have been it. Nicki has not even released an album, let alone a decent single yet. She has MUCH to still prove. So let the girl live.

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