What advice would you give somebody who is continually being put down about her future goals? Do u believe that sometimes people should just give up, or keep going even though you keep falling and hope for a day that it work out?
One of the books that changed my life was called "The Dream Giver". It was about someone named Ordinary that left the land of Familiar to pursue his dreams.In the book "Nobodies" never left the land of Familiar but Ordinary didn't want to be like the rest of the nobodies so he packed his things to leave. When he reached the Border he ran into Bullies which were in the form of his Mother, Uncle and Brother. They discouraged him by telling him all the reasons why he shouldn't leave the land of familiar.
Right now you are Ordinary living in the land of familiar. I was there but I packed all my things up one day and moved out of my comfort zone (away from friends and family). Their concerns were no longer important to me as it was up to me to do what it took to make my dreams come true.
I've falling more than a few times. Moving city to city, living out of cars, sleeping on couches, but I never gave up and you shouldn't either.
My best advice is to DO YOU! I think a lot of people fall short of achieving their goals or doing what is true to them in life because they are scared of what other people may think. We get tied down by jobs we hate and see no real progression because of the fear of failing and people telling us “I told you so”. You are going to have people that tell you that what you want in life can not be achieved only because they are envious that you are even trying when they may have given up. You will have people that tell you that you shouldn’t go for it, just because they care about you enough that they don’t want to see you fail. But at the end of the day it’s about what is real to you and what you want. Don’t let anyone live your life for you. Do what’s real to you and everything will work out
It was so inspirational. Kind of let me know that i wasn't crazy for my recent actions.
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