We live in generation now where the internet is accessible to everyone. You can do anything, find anything, find anyone, and BE anyone. And I'm not talking about just putting up a fake picture and and "posing" as that person. No. I'm talking about posing as your NEW self. The person who you have created behind you desktop. The person you wish you were so bold to be.
People abuse Facebook now. Facebook was made to keep up with your friends and family. To "network". Now its basically to sell yourself. I find so many of my friends who i
thought i knew, have transformed into this NEW person. Now i know we all grow up and change. But some people really go the extra mile. You all know the kind of people I'm talking about. The one who thinks he's a real live celebrity. Posting pictures of all the celebrities he (allegedly) hangs with, when in actuality we all know he's simply stalking them. The friend who posts all the Gucci shoes, Chanel boots, and the new cars (that they bring back the next day) when they really just got fired from their job for stealing. And nothing is worst then when you see these little basic bitches commenting on their photos. Impressed by the lies they tell and the new life they feed you all via the internet. It's funny because you know that THEY don't know them in real life! They know them on facebook! They don't know that when you actually meet these people, they tend to be broke, hustling to meet these celebrities, and lying and stealing to attain these designer labels. All to impress who? Who are you trying to convince? I always wonder who they think actually believes in this faux lifestyle they lead. Your 1500 followers on twitter? Your 4000 friends on facebook? If fame and fortune is their goal, then why not just work hard for it? I always thought that was the surest way to achieve it. I mean, do you think Beyonce took to myspace posting pictures of all the celebrities she met when she was trying to come up? I'm sure she didn't. She was to busy WORKING trying to come up the honest way. BE YOURSELF! Your real authentic self. I don't know when being yourself became such a bad thing. But these people clearly don't like their authentic self. So they create the fake one. The one they believe people will love. The one that you think will bring them success, and money, and friends in the right places. When really, it takes work. I always get a good laugh going through a certain someone's pictures and reading the disclaimers under their photos. Disclaimers SCREAM insecurity. The obvious should NEVER need to be explained. I always think this:
If you have to say your exclusive, your not. Because if you are, people will notice. People will notice, if it is what it is. You'd be surprised what people notice. From the glasses on your face to the shoes on your feet, people WILL notice.
But sometimes it really gets so bad, that its not even funny anymore. I just shake my head because these "posers" are truly delusional. These friends that i once had and knew, have truly lost themselves. They've lived this faux life for so long they have forgotten that its not really them. Their real authentic self is lost! And once you've lost yourself, your
real self, i don't know what can save you. There's no formula for that one. And i truly feel sad for them.
You know that saying :If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, then its a duck. I don't agree. Because under certain circumstances things definitely can look like something its not. One day i went outside to take out the garbage. It was dark (the circumstance). I saw a small animal, that the common eye would perceive as a cat, scurry into the garbage can. About the same size as a cat. light fur. 4 legs. Long tail. When i got to the garbage can and looked inside, you could imagine my surprise when it wasn't a cat. It was a possum. Not the small cute animal i was expecting. A hideous evil little rodent with eyes red as blood and teeth sharp as nails! Of course i did what any full grown man would do: dropped the garbage, shrieked like Mariah Carey, and ran into my house like the Precious ran with her box of chicken.
The internet (the circumstance) can make many people look like their someone their not. If i didn't know these people who i speak of ( i will not mention names, I'm more then sure they know who they are) i might actually think they were doing something productive with their life. That they actually were on the come-up or had the money they try to perceive they have. But in actuality, they sit in the same VIP section as the rest of us. Have the same money. And are just fans of those celebrities just like the rest of us. I used to laugh. I don't laugh anymore. Delusion is a serious condition. I hope they get well.