Monday, March 1, 2010

A Perfect World.

In a perfect world racism wouldn't exist. Gay people would be understood. Religion would be one. Everyone would understand each other. There would be no violence. There would be no stereotyping or prejudice. Everyone would get along and live happily ever after.

I think some people really believe that one day we will all live in a perfect world. A world where racism won't exist, and gay people will have equal rights and be able to marry. That "their" religion "catholic" or "baptist" will be THE religion of choice. Or maybe that people just won't be atheist. That everyone will "accept" God.

Well, i know that this isn't true. I know that racism, will NEVER go away. I know that gays will never be understood, nor will they ever NOT be discriminated against. And my views on religion are very simply: I believe in God: Period end of story. I mean the world has come a long way, but lets be real: Ignorance is Bliss.

So i always wonder why people find the need to be so passionate behind religion and racism. I know so many black people who are always ready to pull the race card out. Just waiting to be offended. It was just recent when John Mayer's interview with playboy infuriated about every black man, woman and child. Yea his comments were i guess what 1 COULD consider offensive. But John Mayer is an OFFENSIVE person in general. He also disrespected his ex-girlfriend, along with many others in that interview. People where outraged. I wasn't. He's offensive, he was trying to be funny, and it was a tragic failed attempt. I never gave 2 shits about him anyway, nor do i now. But my black people why do we give a shit what people have to say about us? That's what i don't understand. Do you feel like you have something to prove? Or defend? I can't let ignorance offend me or ruin my day. I simply cannot. There is so much more to look forward to in life rather then defending your race. Im black and i'm proud. I don't have to wear a shirt or scream it from the roof or defend my race every time someone says the "N" word to prove that. Racism is a form of ignorance. And IGNORANCE will NEVER die.

Now religion is another touchy. Because God forbid religion didn't exist, the world would be in chaos. I definitely need the bible to let me know that "killing, stealing, and cheating is wrong." And i also need that good man made book to let me know that being Gay is going to land you straight in hell. Along with all the other cheaters and liars. No, i'm sorry, if they repent and accept God, their good. But not you evil gay people. You can't get married because its ruining the "sanctity" of marriage because of what the Bible's description of Marriage is. I personally, agree with Whoopi :

"If you don't support gay marriage, then don't marry a gay person. If your not gay, this has NOTHING to do with you!"

So what the FUCK do you care for?

My point is this. Everyone believes what they want to believe. Religion is something that is consistently shoved down our throats. And people are so argumentative when it comes to it. Their belief is the right one. And yours is wrong. And Jesus said this. And God said that. Look. Your belief is your belief. Mine is mine. You go to your church on Sunday. I'll go to mine (if i wake up). Don't invite me to your church, if i don't inquire about. Its rude. Now THAT offends me. Especially when i don't ask you. Because your basically saying "Whatever your beliefs are..well its not good enough, come listen to what my Preacher has to say". And then i'll watch him leave in his Bently or fly off in his private Jet. I have a special relationship with God, that is none of anyone else s business. And it doesn't require me to pay someone else's car note.

The purpose of this blog was basically just to say that life is to short to worry about the things we cannot change. The worst kind of passion is the mis-directed kind. I just hate when people are passionate about things that require no passion. Loosen up your tie a bit, and let the ignorant shit go in one ear and out the other. And when confronted about it just say this :

"Our President is black. And he supports the Gays. So what were you saying?"

Thats the nice way. But we all know I'm not nice. So i always use my fav:

"Wait what? Shut the fuck up."

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