Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Nicki's Minaj

I’m a huge Nicki Minaj fan. HUGE. I don’t think she’s the BEST rapper but I do think she is quite entertaining and original. Her lyrics are quite comical. I love her for the same reason why some people hate her. Her characteristics and her gimmicks. She’s funny as shit, seriously. But that’s what separates Nicki Minaj from the other female artist out. Diamond, Trina, Eve etc. Nothing sets them apart from each other. You can only say “eat my pussy” so many different ways. But Ms. Nicki will says she’ll put this pussy on your sideburns (or on chip tooth if your Fabolous). Work OUT Nicki!

Even though I do think everything she does is acting and she is a “character” she’s in fact entertaining. She’s different. Thus her hype....

Thursday, March 25, 2010


As a huge fan of the book "Wicked" by Gregory Maguire, i was ecstatic when my mother surprised me with tickets to see the Broadway play.

We all know the story of "The Wizard of Oz". Well "Wicked" is the same story, just from the Wicked Witch of the West's point of view. Her childhood, where she is from, and how she became so wicked. It also explains much of her relationship with the Good Witch, Glinda.

Even though the play was slightly different from the book, it still had the same moral. It achieved the same point as the book did.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Celebrity = Role model?

Ok, so here's the thing. I'm sure you have all heard about the comments India Aarie made about Lady Gaga's "Telephone" video, featuring Beyonce. If you haven't click here.

So this is my thing. Everyone has an opinion. That's cool. My only problem with her opinion was the whole "social responsibility" part. Like seriously, Celebrity's are not here to raise your children. They are here to entertain and make movies or music. The key word is ENTERTAIN. Lady Gaga shouldn't be anyones role model. And I personally feel like it's the parents job to explain to them the difference between TV and real life. I never saw something on television and was like "I want to be this person." But that's because my parents raised me to be well aware that TV was for entertainment. Acting is ACTING. And Artist put on persona's to sell albums. It's not REAL. And if its that serious then goddamnit they should only watch the Disney channel. If that is even an excuse because those children grow up to. What is your beloved role model seeking child going to do when Hannah Montana starts fucking Zac Efron. I guess it will be Miley's fault when your daughter gets pregnant at 14.

Lil Wayne said it best.

"If you need a role model, then you shouldn't have been born."

The real issue should be these grown ass women dressing like Nicki Minaj thinking that shit is cute. You look a flop and a fool ma am. And EVERYONE is laughing at you!

P.S. At the end of India's little opinion, She mentioned the little girl who said her favorite artist were Beyonce and Lady Gaga. India, shut up with that stupid lying.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Siditty Mises

So clearly this blogging thing is working out for me. I'll have weekly entry at this bigger blog named Siditty Misses based out of ATL. >>>> Check it out <<<<

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Im nice. Not Friendly.

I thought i would do a blog on the difference between nice and outgoing. Simply because i think people associate them with the same thing. And they aren't totally the same thing. I think being outgoing and friendly does involve being nice, but being nice doesn't necessarily involve being outgoing. I'll explain.

I consider myself a nice person. I'm nice to my friends. My family. And i'm polite and pleasant when introduced to someone i don't know. I have manners. I was raised well. I can sell myself to just about anyone. I know this because i have never in all 24 yrs of my life not blown a job interview away. I always get the job. The only interview i didn't get was at "Footlocker". And thats because i didn't know what Jordans were. I don't wear tennis shoes (or anything with shoe strings for that matter), so it wasn't the job for me anyway. But thats why i do so well in customer service. I'm always the top seller. I'm can be very pleasant to be around. I've even mastered the smile and nod routine when dealing with a rude customer.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Chris Brown has lost it.

You ever met someone who was completely crazy? Just delusional? They saw one thing when the entire world saw something else. Lives completely in their own world and nobody ever tells them to SNAP OUT OF IT! Thats pretty much Chris Brown these days. He's completely lost his damn mind. The boy has lost it. A few days ago, Chris Brown got one whatever radio station or whatever outlet he took to (since he has no twitter anymore) to whine about stations not playing his music or whatever. This is what he said....

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"I aint one to gossip, but.."

Now i need you to listen closely and read intently to what i'm about to say here.

Everyone Gossips

Not one person in this world, does NOT gossip. Maybe what you gossip about is different. But it's still GOSSIP. Your mother gossips, your father gossips, your grandmother gossips,your church members DEFINITELY gossip, your preacher gossips, and so does his wife. Every single person you've ever met in your has something to say about someone else. EVERYONE.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Howard Stern on Gabby

So right after the Oscars, radio's favorite douche bag Howard Stern made these comments about Gabby Sidibe (aka Precious).

"There’s the most enormous, fat black chick I’ve ever seen. She is enormous. You feel bad because everyone’s pretending she’s a part of show business and she’s never going to be in another movie,” Stern said. “She really should have gotten the Best Actress award because she’s never going to have another shot. What movie is she gonna be in?”

“‘Blind Side 2,’” Stern suggested. “She could be the football player, take out the whole front line.”

“It’s so sad you want to say to her, listen honey, you got a little money in the bank, go get yourself thin. You’re gonna die. And now she’s famous and she’ll never get another acting job”

Stern, on the air with his co-host Robin Quivers, also played the speech given by Oprah Winfrey to Sidibe at the Oscars on the program. The hosts said Oprah was lying to her by saying she’s going to have a career in Hollywood.”Come on, be honest wit and the girl,” Stern said. “Look in that room. Who else do you look like? Those are the people that work all the time,” Quivers agreed.

Now i'm not going to lie and say i've never cracked some jokes about Gabby. I have. And i "slightly" agree with some things he has said. I dont think shes going to have some break out career b/c of her role in "Precious" because of her weight.But i also think that there are people in Hollywood who don't meet America's standard of beauty and are widely successful. I mean Whoopie Goldberg is a prime example. And i do believe Gabby IS a good actress. "Precious" was a great movie. I'm sure Gabby will be fine in the end. I bet you in a few months she starts loosing weight though...talking about she wants to get "healthy". No you want to get WORK!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Your Preference. My Preference.

It infuriates me when women have the audacity to get mad at interracial relationships. For one, if he weren't a celebrity/ Athlete you wouldn't give to shits about him anyway. But 2nd because people act like having a preference is wrong.

Let my explain something, everyone has a preference. No matter what you end up with, you have something you prefer. Most women prefer tall men. So your discriminating against short men. Its no different. And what kills me is most of the time the women mad about the fact that some black football player has married a white girl, are usually the ones who prefer light skinned boys! But want to get mad and heated. Like seriously, shut the fuck up. Get over it. People like what they like, and if it's not you then oh well somebody will love you.

A Perfect World.

In a perfect world racism wouldn't exist. Gay people would be understood. Religion would be one. Everyone would understand each other. There would be no violence. There would be no stereotyping or prejudice. Everyone would get along and live happily ever after.

I think some people really believe that one day we will all live in a perfect world. A world where racism won't exist, and gay people will have equal rights and be able to marry. That "their" religion "catholic" or "baptist" will be THE religion of choice. Or maybe that people just won't be atheist. That everyone will "accept" God.

Well, i know that this isn't true. I know that racism, will NEVER go away. I know that gays will never be understood, nor will they ever NOT be discriminated against. And my views on religion are very simply: I believe in God: Period end of story. I mean the world has come a long way, but lets be real: Ignorance is Bliss.

So i always wonder why people find the need to be so passionate behind religion and racism. I know so many black people who are always ready to pull the race card out. Just waiting to be offended. It was just recent when John Mayer's interview with playboy infuriated about every black man, woman and child. Yea his comments were i guess what 1 COULD consider offensive. But John Mayer is an OFFENSIVE person in general. He also disrespected his ex-girlfriend, along with many others in that interview. People where outraged. I wasn't. He's offensive, he was trying to be funny, and it was a tragic failed attempt. I never gave 2 shits about him anyway, nor do i now. But my black people why do we give a shit what people have to say about us? That's what i don't understand. Do you feel like you have something to prove? Or defend? I can't let ignorance offend me or ruin my day. I simply cannot. There is so much more to look forward to in life rather then defending your race. Im black and i'm proud. I don't have to wear a shirt or scream it from the roof or defend my race every time someone says the "N" word to prove that. Racism is a form of ignorance. And IGNORANCE will NEVER die.

Now religion is another touchy. Because God forbid religion didn't exist, the world would be in chaos. I definitely need the bible to let me know that "killing, stealing, and cheating is wrong." And i also need that good man made book to let me know that being Gay is going to land you straight in hell. Along with all the other cheaters and liars. No, i'm sorry, if they repent and accept God, their good. But not you evil gay people. You can't get married because its ruining the "sanctity" of marriage because of what the Bible's description of Marriage is. I personally, agree with Whoopi :

"If you don't support gay marriage, then don't marry a gay person. If your not gay, this has NOTHING to do with you!"

So what the FUCK do you care for?

My point is this. Everyone believes what they want to believe. Religion is something that is consistently shoved down our throats. And people are so argumentative when it comes to it. Their belief is the right one. And yours is wrong. And Jesus said this. And God said that. Look. Your belief is your belief. Mine is mine. You go to your church on Sunday. I'll go to mine (if i wake up). Don't invite me to your church, if i don't inquire about. Its rude. Now THAT offends me. Especially when i don't ask you. Because your basically saying "Whatever your beliefs are..well its not good enough, come listen to what my Preacher has to say". And then i'll watch him leave in his Bently or fly off in his private Jet. I have a special relationship with God, that is none of anyone else s business. And it doesn't require me to pay someone else's car note.

The purpose of this blog was basically just to say that life is to short to worry about the things we cannot change. The worst kind of passion is the mis-directed kind. I just hate when people are passionate about things that require no passion. Loosen up your tie a bit, and let the ignorant shit go in one ear and out the other. And when confronted about it just say this :

"Our President is black. And he supports the Gays. So what were you saying?"

Thats the nice way. But we all know I'm not nice. So i always use my fav:

"Wait what? Shut the fuck up."