Sunday, December 13, 2009

A Simple Formula

This should have been my 1st blog entry. I got side tracked. O well.

I named my blog "A simple forumla" because i believe that everything in life has a formula. There is a way to achieve all of your goals. I don't believe life is complicated. I don't believe that life is "hell on earth". I believe that life is what you make it. I believe WE complicate out lives with our choices we make. Alot of times in life we fall into situations that will determine our next move which could possibly push us further and further away from our goal. That is what makes life hard. Have it be a bad relationship or a bad decision. Every single decision you make is taking you down a path towards something. The problem starts where alot of us are not strong enough to make the right decisions. Alot of us are not strong enough to say "This is what i want to do, therefor i'm going to do it." Why? Maybe because it may hurt someone's feelings. Maybe because you feel you'll be miserable without this particular person in your life. Maybe because your parents want you to do it this way. Maybe you simply don't know how. There could be many reasons why you make whatever decision you choose to make. But you always have a choice to make the right decision or the one that will hinder your success in life.

What i've learned in these 24 years of my life is that life is a journey. The sooner you realize it the better. I woke up one morning and realized that my life was not going the way i wanted it to go. So after some careful planning and advising from older and wiser people (including Oprah) i devised a plan to accomplish what I want to accomplish. Will it be easy? Fuck no. It's going to be hard as hell. But in the end i know i'll be in a happier place there, than where i am now. And by hard i mean leaving certain people behind. Moving to a different city. Working from nothing to something. Starting from the bottom and working my way to the top. All these things are the things that may dis-courage someone from doing what they want to do.

There is one thing in this world that every single person wants. Happiness. You can't be happy doing something that doesn't make you happy everyday. You can't be happy with someone who doesn't make you happy. If your not waking up every morning happy then something is wrong. Something in your life needs to change. And once you've figured out what that change needs to be in order to get you to that place to where your going to be HAPPY then damn-it you've figured out that simple formula. Now it's your duty to follow it. It's not always going to be easy. For life is NOT easy. But it's a journey that you should have fun taking all the way to the end. Good luck!

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