Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Holy Spear-IT

I consider me and my friends very open minded when it comes to music. We like all different genres of music and artist. With the exception of country. So any concert that will roll through New Orleans, even if we're not particularly a fan, we'll go. Just to get the whole "experience". I feel like a REALLY good performer can make just about anyone a fan. So we'll give just about anyone a try.

When word that Britney Spear's tour, The Femme Fatale, was coming to town, i wasn't even the least bit excited. I'm a fan of Britney Spears. But what I'm not a fan of is the new Granny Spears. After seeing her lack luster "Hold it against me" video, the lifeless interviews, and her being out danced by such a skilled dancer as Rihanna at the Billboard Awards, i was through. I had lost all hope in her. She was gone, and never coming back. I had made the mistake of going to see someone live who i KNEW wasn't a good performer, but hoped she'd be better in person. She had black hair then, now she has red. We won't say any names.

Then i was informed that Nicki Minaj would be there. That's all i had to hear. You know i loves me some Onika.

So after cheating and watching some you tube clips of the tour i did begin to grow some excite. Was Britney actually moving? It seemed like it. But i still wasn't COMPLETELY sold. I just knew that i was going to be put to sleep by the new Britney Zolciak. It would be to good to be true.

Well the night of the concert rolled around. We stopped for drinks first. My roommate who thinks he knows EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING insisted that since the concert started at 7pm and had 2 opening acts, Nicki wouldn't hit the stage till 9pm, and Granny wouldn't limp on stage till 1o pm. But since he DOESN'T know ANYTHING about ANYTHING, we we're still sitting at the bar when i received the dreaded text message: NICKI MINAJ IS ON STAGE

Needless to say we missed most of Nicki's performance. I will livid. I mean EVIL. I wanted to have a full on temper tantrum. I had missed the ONLY person i had came to see. What the shit was i still here for? So i sat there pissed. Fumming.

Finally, the moment everyone else had been waiting for. Lights. Camera. Lots of set props. ACTION. Britney Spears.

5 minutes in, i already knew....there was only 1 way to describe this concert....


I was astounded. For 1, Britney looked great. Her body was on point. Her weave was actually sewn in right. She looked awake AND ALERT! Secondly, she was dancing for her dear life. I mean DANCING. I was in SHOCK and disbelief! She worked the crowd. She worked the stage. she climbed up poles. On her performance of UpNDown she danced in a cage like a stripper. I loved every second of it. She did some of her greatest pop songs, and some of her new ones. Did i mention that her weave actually looked decent? She completed slaughtered the S&M remix. I don't know why she didn't do that at the Billboard Awards.

Now i will admit, she isn't the dancer she once was. When she did do the full out 8 count to Slave For you, I could see the difference. But with the stage props, the EXCELLENT back up dancers, and everything around her working in her favor, it would be very hard to notice any flaw in the concert. She had so many outfit changes I lost count. Which was awesome. She even pulled a guy on stage, hand cuffed him to a chair, and sat on his head. It was great. I had the time of my life.

All and all, I stand completely corrected. I don't like to admit when I'm wrong, and normally, i never am. This time, i was completely wrong. Britney Spears was nothing short of epic. I'm still thinking about it a whole week later, and randomly downloading old music from her. If The Femme Fatale is coming to your state, take the word of a very cynical critic, it's well worth it.

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