Thursday, February 17, 2011

Is Twitter Real?

Twitter has to be one of the funniest social networks ever created. At any given moment you can go ahead and say what ever comes to your random mind to basically the world (depending on how many followers you are) with 1 simple tweet. I love twitter. Especially when TV shows are on. Everyone's a comedian. Everyone has an opinion. And its always great to see everyone's opinion. The ones who matter, and then some that don't (if i'm following you, you matter to me, if I'm not, get the point.)

Twitter also gives you the opportunity to bring yourself closer to people who you may have only been acquaintances with. I think it does that because when you choose to follow someone on twitter your basically saying "I'm interested in you." You get to see how this person really is (or how they want you to believe they are) and you have the option to comment on everything they say. Twitter has brought me closer with alot of people that i've known for years but never had much more then a "hi" and "bye" relationship with. At the same time, it's made me hate some people who have known for years, and i don't speak to them anymore. Thats when we utilize the unfollow button. That pretty much says "I'm no longer interested in you. Get out of my life and my time line with your foolishness. Fuck. Your. Thoughts." Right? Well that's what the person being unfollowed is going to believe at. So we'll just keep it at that.

Then we have that wonderful Retweet Button. Now, there are 2 kinds of RTs. There is the kind where you RT and comment, which generally makes sense. You want to comment on something someone says. I understand. Now the other RT allows you to simply force (yes force) this random person into the time lines of everyone who is following you. Which is where problems come in. If i wanted to see what the person you made the wise decision to to RT into my timeline had to say, well then i would simply follow them. Because I have chosen not to follow them, that means that i clearly have no interest in what they have to say. Their opinion, means nothing to me. And there is probably a good reason for that.

Then we have what we are all guilty of. The infamous subtweet. Aren't these your favorite? Subtweeting is when your making a general tweet, but its SURELY directed at one or 2 people you know, who is following you. And you know they'll see it. But won't say anything. Need an example?

Lets say Rihanna decides to follow me. I tweet:

"God, i HATE this girls fire engine red hair. HATE it. She looks ridiculous! And she sounds like a damn Goat! Fire crotch! Tampon Head!"

Rihanna surely wouldn't think i'm talking about her.

Lets try another one.

"i hate fat hoes with draw string pony tails always tryna dance n shit. hoe you fat! #epicfail"

Now, of course when the person being subtweeted recognizes them they will do one of two things. They can ignore it (which is always best). Or they can respond. At that time the follower who sent out the initial subtweet will say the same thing they ALL say when caught subtweeting

"Girl calm down, i wasn't talking about you. Its just twitter."

Sigh. Let me be clear about something. Twitter is very real. What you tweet is directly from YOU. Which means its how YOU feel. And that's completely fine. But you should always surely be ready to back up your tweets as much as you would back up a phone conversation or a text message. One should always keep that in mind. Playing with your friends on twitter is one thing, but we all know how fast things can be misunderstood. On twitter there is no "tone of voice". We simply have "LOL" to distinguish a "im just playing with you" tweet from a "bitch im not playin with you and imma whip that ass when I see you" tweet. So lets be more careful people. I would hate to have to unfollow you.

1 comment:

  1. So are we answering the question is Twitter real? Hell yes! I always have to censor myself on Twitter. I do what I can to keep it down. I think that's why I don't tweet as often as I would like. Sometimes it gets too personal.

    LOL! I can't even begin to explain the power
