Thursday, September 30, 2010

Is that her nose?

So after watching the “Keeping up with the Kardashian” episode when Kim had her whole “botched Botox” debacle, I decided to write this blog.

So clearly, we all know that plastic surgery happens in Hollywood. Your fav, and mine have all had some work done. Whether you want to admit it or not, THEY’VE HAD WORK DONE! It’s just the reality of Hollywood. These people are not born looking like this. They have the best physical trainers, the best make up artist, fake hair for days, and they diet…not for months to shed a few pounds…for years.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

And Let The Church Say....Amen

I’ve spent pretty much my entire life raised in your stereotypical southern Baptist church. For 18 years I went faithfully every Sunday. Sunday school from 8:30 am to 10:00, followed by the Service from 10:45 to 1:00 pm. My mother, was (and still is) the Minster of Music. Director of the Choir. And on the Board of Trustee. I mean she went the whole 9 yards. You get where I’m going.

My Father is a different story. For the 18 years that I was forced to go to church my father went about 8 times. And that was for Christmas. He never said he didn’t believe in God, his was response was always “I believe in Nature”.

My relationship with the church has been a rocky one. As soon as I was 19 I stopped going. For about 4 years. My views changed. I stopped believing in organized religion (For various reasons that would obviously turn into a novel not a blog entry). But I have a great relationship with God. I pray everyday. Maybe I don’t do it traditionally on my knees every night and morning, but it definitely gets done.

About a year ago, I started going back to church. Now I won’t lie, it was somewhat therapeutic in some aspects. I heard some great, fulfilling sermons. But at the end of the day, I still felt the same way, and I’ve stopped going again.

This situation with Bishop Eddie Long really hit home for me. For many reasons.