I’ve spent pretty much my entire life raised in your stereotypical southern Baptist church. For 18 years I went faithfully every Sunday. Sunday school from 8:30 am to 10:00, followed by the Service from 10:45 to 1:00 pm. My mother, was (and still is) the Minster of Music. Director of the Choir. And on the Board of Trustee. I mean she went the whole 9 yards. You get where I’m going.
My Father is a different story. For the 18 years that I was forced to go to church my father went about 8 times. And that was for Christmas. He never said he didn’t believe in God, his was response was always “I believe in Nature”.
My relationship with the church has been a rocky one. As soon as I was 19 I stopped going. For about 4 years. My views changed. I stopped believing in organized religion (For various reasons that would obviously turn into a novel not a blog entry). But I have a great relationship with God. I pray everyday. Maybe I don’t do it traditionally on my knees every night and morning, but it definitely gets done.
About a year ago, I started going back to church. Now I won’t lie, it was somewhat therapeutic in some aspects. I heard some great, fulfilling sermons. But at the end of the day, I still felt the same way, and I’ve stopped going again.
This situation with Bishop Eddie Long really hit home for me. For many reasons.