For some reason, people in Hollywood (and other places) really believe that All Press is Good Press. I guess i can understand the "concept" of the statement. If your in the press, for WHATEVER reason,people are invested. They see you. Your shinning. But my only problem with this HOW do they see you.
The problem is your reputation. If your willing to sacrifice your character, then by all means do something that will get you some "Press". People really will do anything for those 15 minutes of fame. I guess i can't understand it because seriously...
who ONLY wants 15 minutes?
When your reputation proceeds you, you end up like Lindsey Lohan. You could be the most talented beautiful actress in the world. But all that negative press, that people are telling you is "Good", kind of kicks you in the ass when your trying to get work. She can't land a movie role to save her soul.
Now, in some instances is does work. Most reality stars can really abide by the whole "All press is Good press" Because they only strive for their 15 minutes. They have no talent to sustain them anyway. It also worked for Britney Spears. Her albums will still sell. And her tours still sell out. She gets awful reviews. She can't land a endorsement to save her live. She still can't get her kids back. But she can at least sell albums. I wonder whats more important to her....

But for the most part, i personally, don't believe it works. It normally looks like a cry for desperation. And usually works in reverse. This whole Lil Kim Vs. Nicki Minaj thing has people "noticing" Kim, since she's been out of remission. She was NEVER irrelevant in my mind. But she seems to think that she was. We see you Kimberly Jones. Now lets see if her new single will do well. Lets see if she can sell some albums AGAIN. Because like i stated in my last blog, i'm a huge fan, but this "desperate act" turned me OFF.

She BETTER come back with something sickening. And HOT! Or her 15 minutes will die down to. And She's ACTUALLY good at what she does!
And last but not least we all have to remember the biggest cry for help in 2009, to get some "Buzz" around her already decaying career. She is a PRIME example of why All Press is NOT Good Press....

Ms. Keri Baby. Dissing Queen Beyonce...to get no response...and poor albums sales. Betcha she wishes she had done something different. Now she's an Avon Lady...Selling cosmetics backstage.