Monday, June 20, 2011

You Can't Sit With Us.

Ya know, they say you never really leave high school. It's true.

As functioning adults i think it is pretty much a daily part of life to deal with people who you really don't "see it for". You don't like them. Or like a friend of mine sometimes says "I don't USE her." Not everyone is meant to be friends. People have different personalities, different upbringings, and some people are just plain crazy. But because we must act as adults, who are NOT in high school anymore, we have to work/ socialize with people who we simply don't like. I don't see it for MANY people who I'm forced to socialize with on the weekends. Just like I'm sure some of them may not see it for me. Which is completely fine. I'm not here for your approval. Just like your not here for mine. That doesn't mean we can't sit down at the same table and be civil. We don't need each others numbers. We don't have to hang out alone. We may not even hang out again! But we can be cordial. We are human beings.

It seems that the difficulties arise when its the friends who have stopped being friends. Now, in high school, we all know how this would have went. The most powerful (and good looking) person of the clique was who owned your loyalty. If the Regina didn't see it for you, well then the rest of us don't either. Period. You can't sit with us. Have a great day. And if your lucky, we WON'T make your life a living hell. Go find some new (lame and ugly) friends. Problem solved.

In the adult world it doesn't really go like that. I personally, use the Art of Effective Shade Throwing. A few weeks ago, I was forced to sit at a bar for 3 hours with 1 of the only 3 people in the whole world, who I HATE with a burning fiery passion. The entire time i wanted to jump across the table and slap all the saliva out of his mouth. But i didn't. Because I'm an adult, and "You can't just be fighting in the streets like a wild animal!" like my mother told me after a brawl I had 2 years ago at a Super Bowl party. Besides, who really wants to be the asshole who has a problem with EVERYONE. No one wants to be around that kind of person. Anyhow, It was 4 of us, including him at the bar. We talked around each other the entire night. We all engaged in conversation. I didn't roll my eyes or make any sly remarks. I never looked him directly in his face. I never spoke directly to him, nor did he dare speak directly to me. It went fine. Of course anytime he did in fact try to ask me a question directly i answered it, but only in a manner in which it was directed towards the whole group. And I still did NOT make eye contact with him.

When we left my friend said "I thought you and _____ didn't like each other?" and i said "Its whatever, we just don't speak." That's commonly the best response to give when regarding to an ex-friend. Anything more then that will make you look bitter, and probably start some kind of mess. People don't need details. Its none of your business. Save the gossip and innuendo for your real friends.

The next day, the 1 guy of the 3 people in the WHOLE world who i HATE with a fiery passion, who i had sat at the bar with.... sent me a Facebook friend request. I declined. You still can't sit with us.

Moral of the story is, we aren't here to "beef" with people. That's to time consuming, and its rather juvenile. The only person who your loyalty should be to is your REAL friends. (If you don't have one of those at this age then your probably crazy. get help.) We're grown. Contrary to popular belief, we can all get along. Not everyone has to be friends, or even associates, but there is no reason why 2 adults should dislike each other so much that they can't be around each other in a social setting. That's just part of the life of a grown up. Your going to have bosses you don't like, co-workers you can't stand, and friends who have friends who are just complete train wrecks. Your going to have to deal with that. There's no need to be rude. There's no need to be ugly. We can co-exist, and still hate each other. Besides, when it really gets rough, just take to twitter, subtweet your ass off, wait for the hit dog to holler, and once they do (and trust me they will) then...don't respond. Your point has been made, and received. Works like a charm. And a sure way to put a smile on your face.

Again, The Art of Effective Shade Throwing.


  1. art of effective shade throwing! LMAO! Jonathan i love you so much i swear i do! Never stop writing!

  2. Very mature. One thing I think is the most classless is fighting in public. No one should know that have that kind of power over you. and that friend request...delusional
