Monday, February 22, 2010


Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

At least thats Albert Einstein's definition of it. But there is so much truth to that little "quote" it made me sit back and think. And whats even scarier...just think about how many people in your life this would apply to. You probably know more people who are insane rather then sane. I know i do.

Thats including myself.

But the real question is, are you really expecting different results? Or are you just ACCEPTING the fact that the results won't change. I know thats probably the case with myself in most situations. Which is a problem. I wonder if theres a definition for that.


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Mr. West

Mr. West and I have a love/hate relationship. I mean seriously, i admire this man so much i named my child after him (by child i mean dog). It's strange because all the things i love about him, also can be the reasons why i hate him.

1st before everything i admire the fact that he's an artist. I real artist. Not just a rapper. But a poet. He has some of the most motivational songs I've ever heard. All of his albums are lyrical masterpieces. He's one of the best dressed (if not THE best dressed) black men in Hollywood. His fashion sense is sick. Then the fact that he's always been one to speak his mind. He doesn't let his publicist speak for him. He says whatever the fuck he wants. I always felt like he was speaking for US. He'd say it in the most blunt and aggressive manner. Not because he's an asshole (well he is an asshole) but because he's passionate. I love that. I always thought if for some reason i was ever to become a celebrity i'd probably be like Kanye along those lines. I say things that normally provoke people say i'm mean or i'm an asshole, but i just feel like you can't suger coat anything in life. Just lay it out all on the table. It's not always going to be nice. Sorry, but swallow it and shut the fuck up. Life goes on.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

World Class Liar.

I remember the 1st lie ever told to me. It was by my (then) best friend Al. Al (real-name changed) and i were in the 2nd grade. We were having a debate about who would win out of a fight between Jean Gray and Rogue from X-Men. We were X-Men junkies. Had all the X-Men cards and comics and watched the show every Saturday morning. I was team Rogue (i mean let's be real, she's damn near super-man with out the x-ray vision) and he was team Jean Gray. Of course, debating is my best, and at every angle i believed Rogue could whip Jean's ass, and was proving it quite well. Then to advantage Jean Grey he blurted out that she could fly. We both knew this wasn't true. But Jean was loosing her battle. So he insisted that Jean Gray could fly. We had our fun debate until our parents arrived to pick us up that evening.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Fashion: Tom Ford

Tom Ford's spring look book, which made me seriously gag. I almost teared up at the sight of these blazers and bow-tie combination s. If you ever had to wonder why I'm on a quest to be skinny and rich...these images should help you understand.Enjoy!

Thanks Jeremy Dante for the images (

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The "F" Word.

Friend: a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard

That's the dictionary definition. I guess we all have different definitions of what a friend is. I personally feel like people don't know what a "friend" is. The word is thrown around so often now a days that everyone you say "Hi" to more then once is a friend. I guess because you see each other out, and have held more then 1 conversation, you are friends now?

A friend is someone who you can relay on. Someone who you know is loyal to you no matter what the circumstance. The person you can gossip (and you know you gossip) with and it won't be told to 3 or 4 different people. The person you can tell you deepest secrets to, and they won't judge you. They will always tell you if your being dumb in any situation, even if it may hurt your feelings. And you BETTER NOT talk bad about MY friend in front of MY FACE because that..lets just say that wouldn't end nicely. Friends are completely ready to defend a friend against ANYONE at any given moment.